Special Time Based Vegetable Science Quiz 5

Special time based vegetable science quiz 5

horticulture guruji

Created by
Horticulture Guruji

Special Time Based Vegetable Science Quiz 5

1 / 20

Little leaf disease of brinjal caused by ….

2 / 20

Amaranthus is a plant

3 / 20

What is seed rate of garlic?

4 / 20

What is edible part of Globe Artichoke?

5 / 20

‘Wolf apple’ is the other name of …

6 / 20

Challenger is a variety of

7 / 20

In which crop maturity is measured by tendrometer?

8 / 20

In cucurbits growth PGR applied at stage of

9 / 20

Triploid watermelon variety is

10 / 20

Brinjal is a plant of …

11 / 20

‘Bitter Cucumber’ is the other name of …

12 / 20

Hermaphrodite cultivar of ridge gourd is

13 / 20

Poinsett variety of cucumber developed/multiplied by

14 / 20

Chromosome number of Carrot is..

15 / 20

Seed rate of spongegourd is kept

16 / 20

Bitter principle present in cucurbits is

17 / 20

Perennial Drumstick is propagated by

18 / 20

Anti nutritional factor present in sweet potato is..

19 / 20

Daucus carota is a rich source of…

20 / 20

Which vegetable is perennial in nature?

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The average score is 87%


This is time-based quiz these 20 question are completed in 5 minutes after 5 minutes quiz is automatically submitted. Every time in this quiz some question are changed