Production Technology of Grapefruit

Horticulture Guruji


Fruit Science

Forbiddin / Breakfast fruit

  • B.N. – Citrus paradisi
  • Family – Rutaceae
  • Origin – West Indies
  • Citron –Persian Apple
  • Glucoside present – Hespiridin
  • The aroma of grapefruit – Nootakatone

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  • The ancestor of grapefruit is the shaddock or pummelo ( C. grandis).
  • It was separated from Pummelo in 1830 by James Macfadyen.
  • This variety is named Grapefruit because its fruits grow in bunches like grapes.
  • The slight bitterness in the juice is due to ‘Naringin’, which is said to have medicinal value. (in the prevention of malaria)


  • Duncan
  • Marsh seedless
  • Foster
  • Red Blush
  • Triumph
  • Sharanpur special
  • Thompson
  • Star Rubi – from Hudson grape fruit through mutation breeding.


  • Dry and arid climate or subtropical where distinct summer and winter.
  • Annual rainfall – 15 to 150 cm.
  • Grown at an altitude of 500 to 1000 meters or above.


  • Well-draining, deep, and free-acting alluvial soils.
  • Calcareous soils containing large amounts of lime remain unsuitable.


  • Commercially propagated by budding.


  • Jatti khatti (C. jambhiri) – South India
  • Karna khatta (C. karna) – North India, UP & Assam.
  • Carrizo and Troyer – In Punjab


  • Pits of size 60-75 cm3 are dug at a distance of 6×6 to 8×8 m.
  • Planting is done at the beginning of the monsoon.


  • First irrigation is done just after planting.
  • It should be done at an interval of 10 days in summer and at an interval of 10-15 days in winter.
  • Adequate soil moisture should be maintained during flowering and fruiting stages.

Manure and Fertilizers

  • Generally, fertilizers are given thrice in a year i.e. December-January, June-July, and September-October
  • FYM is given in June-July or September-October.
  • N:P:K – 600: 400 : 600 g/tree

Training and Pruning

  • Young plants are supported so that they can develop fully.
  • Water sprouts, and weak, crisscrossing branches are cut from time to time.


  • Grapefruit flowers and fruits once a year at the beginning of spring (March) under the North Indian climate and fruits mature after about eight to nine months in the following November-December.
  • Fruits are harvested when their colour turns from green to yellow.
  • Fully ripe large-sized fruits are picked from time to time.


  • 7 to 10 years 200-300 fruits/tree
  • 20 years – 500-1000 fruits/tree


Difference Between Grapefruit and Pummelo



B. Name – Citrus paradisi

B. Name – Citrus grandis

Bigger than orange but smaller than pummelo

Larger citrus spp.

The shape of the fruit is round

The fruit is teardrop shaped

The color of the fruit is reddish yellow

The fruit color is yellow-orange

The fruit has smoother skin

Fruits have slightly pitted, and contain oil cells that are visible as tiny green spots.

Fruits are born in clusters (like Grapes)

Fruits are appearing singly



References cited

  1. Commercial Fruits. By S. P. Singh
  2. A text book on Pomology, Vol,1. by T. K. Chattapadhya
  3. Tropical Horticulture, Vol.1, by T. K. Bose, S. K. Mitra, A. A. Farooqui and M. K. Sadhu